Senin, 17 September 2018

The Facts of History We Know It Turns Out is a Myth

History is the goal so you learn from the past. But, often history is intentionally twisted by certain people for certain purposes. The following are some historical facts that we know of, but only myths, as reported by News from various sources.

1. Walt Disney creator of Mickey Mouse


Walt Disney was not the first person to draw Mickey Mouse. The mouse was first drawn by an animator named Ub Iwerks.

 2. Painter Vincent Van Gogh cut off all his ears


Vincent Van Gogh was a famous painter of his time. Historically, he deliberately cut his own ears with a razor blade, and made his new "appearance" into a self-painting. History is true, what is wrong is Van Gogh does not cut all his ears, but only the lobes.

3. Napoleon is short


Napoleon is historically said to have a short body. In fact, Napoleon's body was not short, because he had a 1.7 meter body. This size error is due to a French count that is different from the standard American count.

4. Mozart is more successful than Antonio Salieri


Who doesn't know Mozart, the genius composer? According to several historical sources, Antonio Salieri who is also a composer is said to be jealous of Mozart's success. In fact, Salieri was far more successful than Mozart, because Salieri was a conductor or conductor, who was the leader of an orchestra group.

5. Ferdinand Magellan was the first to succeed around the world


Ferdinand Magellan is said to be the first to be able to travel around the world. But it's just a myth. In fact, Ferdinand Magellan died first, but the journey around his world was only halfway through.

  6. Cleopatra the Egyptian 

As many people believe, Cleopatra is an Egyptian native, because she is indeed the Queen of Egypt. In fact, Cleopatra was of Greek descent, so she was not native to Egypt.

 7. Einstein was lacking in school 
Some sources state that Einstein was poor at school even though he was a genius. In fact, his genius managed to make him number one, especially in science classes.

8. Thomas Alva Edison inventor of the light bulb 

We all agree that the inventor of the light bulb is Thomas Alva Edison. In fact, Edison only found a way to keep the lights on. The one who invented the light bulb was Joseph Wilson Swan.

9. Apple fell on Newton's head when he realized the law of gravity 
Apples did not fall right on Newton's head when he finally realized the law of gravity, but fell near him.

Sabtu, 08 September 2018

World History That Has Been Secret

History has been taught since children have received formal education which is a study of the past, especially how it relates to humans. History can also refer to the academic field that uses narration to examine and analyze the sequence of past events, and objectively determine patterns of cause and effect. Small and detailed things learned in history can make people look at things differently.

History has been taught since children have received formal education which is a study of the past, especially how it relates to humans. History can also refer to the academic field that uses narration to examine and analyze the sequence of past events, and objectively determine patterns of cause and effect. Small and detailed things learned in history can make people look at things differently.

There are also photos of musicians on the Titanic who played to entertain passengers who were frightened when the camp began to sink. They are willing to sacrifice their lives just to be able to entertain panicked passengers. They should be appreciated, both as musicians and as heroes.

Another photo shows an animal in the form of a bird named Argentavis. Argentavis may be the largest bird on Earth, because it has a very large body, exceeding the size of an adult human.

You can see the following photos.

1. musicians on titanic ships

2. Argentavis, the largest bird on earth


3. painting by Adolf Hitler

4. " Coucher de la mariee " the first erotic film to be screened in Paris in 1896

 5. Hugo Boss is a Nazi uniform designer


Cleopatra isn't as beautiful as you left?

The story about Cleopatra is so much, even the ones who were taken to the big screen were no fewer than five films. The cast, from Elizabeth Taylor to Sophia Loren and others. Everything illustrates how beautiful the Egyptian Queen is.

Ilustrasi Cleopatra yang cantik (Patamani)

However, the reality is quite different. Reported from the news from various sources, Cleopatra apparently did not have a beautiful face like a Hollywood actress as we thought so far. This is evident from the coins used during the reign of Cleopatra.

In a set of silver coins made in 32 BC it was described that Cleopatra had a large and long neck, with a bent nose. It is suspected that he inherited the crooked nose from his father, and this characteristic is increasingly highlighted in later coins. In fact, some Cleopatra sources are not too high, which is only 1.5 meters.

Koin bergambar Cleopatra (Wikipedia)

An ancient historian from Greece, Plutarch, who also wrote the life story of Archimedes, was in a very appropriate position to report on Cleopatra's beauty, because her ancestors had served as the queen's doctor, and the first-hand description of Cleopatra had been handed down to her family.

 According to Plutarch, Cleopatra is actually not too pretty. His own beauty, as he said, is not the kind that immediately captivates those who see it, but he is extraordinarily authoritative, and there is an attraction in his personality and manner of speech, along with the power of pervasive character in every word and action and dazzles everyone who connect with him. In other words, Cleopatra's beauty did not lie in her face, but in her character and authority.

The advantages of Cleopatra that make other people captivated by him are able to speak in nine languages, his brain sharp, his charisma strong, his wisdom amazing, highly educated, and having great majesty from an early age.

Patung Cleopatra (YouTube) 

Although not beautiful, Cleopatra managed to master the hearts of the two most powerful people in her time, namely Julius Caesar and Mark Antony. Caesar said, "There is no blood in his veins, other than the blood of the sun.

Although it was known that Cleopatra's face was on the coin, we would not be able to know the real face. The reason, Napoleon seized many treasures from France, including Cleopatra's mummy chest. Most of the treasure was returned to Egypt, but Cleopatra's mummy chest was accidentally left behind. In the 1940s, French workers found their coffins, and threw their contents into a dump.

For women who are not lucky to be blessed with slender bodies as slender as possible, brilliant white skin, and a radiant face like a full moon, don't worry. Imitate Cleopatra. Be a woman who is smart, wise, and has personal grandeur

Jumat, 07 September 2018

Meaning Difficult and Rich in Life

Many people prefer a luxurious lifestyle and more everything. but do you know what life is like.

Sometimes people crave a life that is happy behind and difficult in front of it rather than happy in front of the hard behind. Why is that?? Difficult life can make us mature in the face of a life full of obstacles and twists. Not only that, with a difficult suction, we can be people who are grateful for what we have. Turning around if we already have everything, then we will become arrogant and even arrogant with other people's difficult circumstances.

It is not uncommon for people who are rich but never see around their surroundings, whether everyone has eaten or has not even eaten for a few days. They (people who are indifferent) don't even think about the difficulties of the people around them. It is enough to enjoy his life which is enough and even more for everything. This means that not many people are rich in wealth but rich in heart. 

The meaning of difficulty in life will give us a lot of knowledge. Not only is it difficult to find fortune but it is difficult to study and so forth. But from this difficulty, someone will become an adult and even think so that his life becomes easy. There is an example, for example, if we find it difficult to find fortune, then with such difficulty, we will be grateful people (with endeavors).

The true nature of wealth is not with many assets. Because so many people are extended fortune in the form of wealth by God, but he never feels satisfied with what is given. People like this always try hard to add and continue to add wealth. He also doesn't care where he gets the property. It is this kind of person who seems to be so poor because of his hard work to continue to satisfy himself with property.

Need to be well-pressed to bring the true nature of wealth is rich in heart (a heart that is always calm, always feels enough). It is this person who is rich in heart who always feels enough with what is given, always satisfied with what is obtained and always pleased with the provisions of God. This kind of person is not so greedy to add wealth and he is not like someone who is never tired of continuing to add to it. The condition of this kind of person is called the real rich.

The wealth of the heart can be achieved by making the heart feel enough and only need to God for everything he faces, grateful for all his gifts, willing to accept all his will and always take refuge in him in all things that hurt him. By always presenting a sense of need for his Lord in all directions, he feels fulfilled from all things besides Him.